Access specialized training in craniofacial development and orthodontic care.

Medical Practitioners
Gain insights into craniofacial health and evidence-based treatment approaches.

School Doctors
Explore resources for identifying and managing craniofacial issues in students.

Healthcare Providers:
Access comprehensive materials for holistic patient care and collaboration.

Orthognathic Surgery
Delve into the intricate world of craniofacial orthopedics, where growth, guidance, and orthognathic surgery converge. Our educational initiatives empower professionals to navigate these domains effectively, ensuring optimal patient outcomes

Oral Myology
Oral Posture
Explore the symbiotic relationship between oral myology and posture. Our resources shed light on how these interconnected aspects influence each other, fostering a comprehensive understanding for healthcare practitioners

Voice & Speech
Immerse yourself in the world of voice and speech, where every nuance contributes to effective communication. Our educational endeavors equip professionals with tools to enhance speech-related practices, facilitating improved patient outcomes

ENT, Breathing & Sleep
Unlock the mysteries of ENT health, breathing patterns, and sleep. Our organization provides insights into diagnosing and addressing these critical areas, leading to comprehensive care and improved quality of life

Body Posture
Discover the intersection of body posture and sports performance. Our resources delve into the impact of posture on athletic achievements, guiding practitioners in optimizing physical capabilities

Functional Breastfeeding
Explore the realm of functional breastfeeding and nutrition. We delve into the crucial link between proper nutrition and breastfeeding, equipping professionals with knowledge to support maternal and infant health
Raising Awareness
Increase global understanding of craniofacial development's impact on health, advocating preventive measures for optimal well-being.
Research Advancements
Support research to deepen understanding of craniofacial health and promote innovative therapies.
Information Dissemination
Share scientific insights on craniofacial health with professionals and the public, offering evidence-based resources.
Advocacy for Care
Advocate for holistic, evidence-based approaches to craniofacial health, fostering collaboration among healthcare providers for comprehensive patient care.

Discover our programs promoting wellness: championing craniofacial health, athletic, and school performance excellence, guiding proper facial development, and supporting holistic health from prenatal care to lifelong wellness.

Garanție de calitate
Doctorul Ela Bănică, fondatorul Ortho Institute, este singurul medic din România specializat în Ortodonție Pediatrică Preventivă sau Naturală, Myobrace și în Ortodonție și Terapie Miofuncțională.
Tratament holistic
Ortho Institute, centrul medical renumit pentru tratamente ortodontice holistice și integrative, aduce o abordare medicală personalizată pentru pacienții copii. Medicii clinicii sunt instruiți special pentru a interacționa cu cei mici. Modul de lucru al clinicii, prin abordarea holistică, se concentrază și pe identificarea altor afecțiuni care sunt în corelație cu problemele de dantură, în special cele din sfera ORL și problemele coloanei vertebrale.
Peste 20 ani experiență
Ortho Institute are la bază experiența de peste 20 de ani în Ortodonție și Ortopedie Dento-Facială a Doctorului Ela Bănică, care a studiat Ortodonție Linguală la Universitatea Rene Descartes din Paris, Ortopedie Dento Facială Pediatrică la Londra. În plus, a fost și cadru universitar al Facultății de Medicină și Farmacie “Carol Davila” din București, timp de 11 ani