A Fresh Perspective Evidence-Based Theory
ORTHO FACE starts anew, departing from prevailing assumptions within contemporary orthodontics. By synthesizing quality scientific research, we construct a universal theory that rethinks traditional assumptions.
Visionary Approach
ORTHO FACE is dedicated to pioneering advancements in orthodontic care through creative solutions and forward-thinking approaches, reshaping standards of care.
Promotin excellence
We are dedicated to achiving excellence in facial growth guidance and orthodontics, setting industry standards.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
Collaboration lies at the heart of our ethos. Experts from orthodontics, dentistry, medicine, and research unite to innovate and shape healthcare's future.

Recognizing the Bigger Picture
At Ortho Face, we go beyond straightening teeth. We understand the intricate connection between facial development, overall health, and aesthetics. While traditional orthodontics focuses on isolated issues, we prioritize the bigger picture. Our approach redirects growth patterns for permanent tooth alignment, promoting extensive health benefits, and enhanced facial aesthetics.

Guiding Facial Development for Lifelong Health
At Ortho Face, we believe in the crucial role of correct oral posture, function, and muscle tone in facial and jaw development. Our holistic approach, guided by clinicians and technicians, uses functional appliances and postural training to promote proper growth patterns. By addressing poor muscle tone and oral habits early, we aim to prevent facial asymmetry and dental crowding, ensuring both aesthetic appeal and long-term oral health.

Pioneers in Craniofacial Health
At ORTHO FACE, we lead the charge in advancing craniofacial health through pioneering research, innovative techniques, and cutting-edge technology. Our relentless pursuit of excellence ensures that we remain at the forefront of our field, continuously pushing boundaries to deliver the highest standard of patient care.

Garanție de calitate
Doctorul Ela Bănică, fondatorul Ortho Institute, este singurul medic din România specializat în Ortodonție Pediatrică Preventivă sau Naturală, Myobrace și în Ortodonție și Terapie Miofuncțională.
Tratament holistic
Ortho Institute, centrul medical renumit pentru tratamente ortodontice holistice și integrative, aduce o abordare medicală personalizată pentru pacienții copii. Medicii clinicii sunt instruiți special pentru a interacționa cu cei mici. Modul de lucru al clinicii, prin abordarea holistică, se concentrază și pe identificarea altor afecțiuni care sunt în corelație cu problemele de dantură, în special cele din sfera ORL și problemele coloanei vertebrale.
Peste 20 ani experiență
Ortho Institute are la bază experiența de peste 20 de ani în Ortodonție și Ortopedie Dento-Facială a Doctorului Ela Bănică, care a studiat Ortodonție Linguală la Universitatea Rene Descartes din Paris, Ortopedie Dento Facială Pediatrică la Londra. În plus, a fost și cadru universitar al Facultății de Medicină și Farmacie “Carol Davila” din București, timp de 11 ani

Holistic Approach
Our core belief centers around the understanding that true health extends far beyond mere aesthetics. We embrace a holistic approach that encompasses the interconnected facets of craniofacial development, sleep patterns, breathing functionality, and overall well-being. By addressing these aspects comprehensively, we empower individuals to attain not just a beautiful smile but also lifelong vitality and wellness.

Challenging Conventions
At ORTHO FACE, we thrive on challenging the status quo in orthodontics. We are driven by a relentless pursuit of innovation, constantly seeking novel perspectives and pioneering solutions to enhance patient outcomes. By challenging conventions, we drive progress in orthodontic care, ushering in transformative advancements that benefit patients worldwide.

A Paradigm Shift Holistic Approach to Crooked Teeth
ORTHO FACE introduces a groundbreaking perspective on crooked teeth by viewing them as part of a larger system—the head and neck. Rather than isolating dental issues, this approach considers their relation to breathing, body posture, jaw joint problems, and ENT concerns. This comprehensive viewpoint addresses the bigger picture that is often overlooked in both medicine and orthodontics.